Cultivate Mindful Attitudes (12:00pm UK)
How to embrace ourselves in the midst of our difficulties
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Service Description
To cultivate the healing power of mindfulness requires much more than mechanically following a recipe or a set on instructions. No real process of learning is like that. It is only when the mind is open and receptive that learning and seeing and change can occur. In practicing mindfulness you will have to bring your whole being to the process. You can't just assume a meditative posture and think something will happen or play a tape and think that the tape is going to "do something" for you. The attitude with which you undertake the practice of paying attention and being in the present is crucial. Week 1: Non - Judging Week 2: Patience Week 3: Beginner's mind Week4: Trust Week 5: Non-Striving Week 6: Balance Week7: Letting Go Week 8: Kindness